
"With my work I want to achieve small but valuable impacts in the everyday life."

I’m a media and interaction designer, currently graduaded from Hochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Gmünd (HfG) in Germany with knowledge in interface, application and user experience design.

I spent one semester abroad at Designskolen Kolding in Denmark, where I had the chance to strengthen my knowledge in the field of Interaction and Communication Design and to work together with different agencies to develop concepts and designs for real projects.
Since my internship at ART+COM Studios in Berlin, I developed a passion for interactive installations and tangible user interfaces. I‘m fascinated by mixing the physical and digital world, to find out how people can be involved into such an experience in a special and unique way and how they can interact intuitively and successfully with a system.
From graphic design focused on printed products, I came to more digital outcomes like websites and apps, to things like coding with Arduino, Processing and hardware like Kinect, Leap Motion and HoloLens.

For me as a designer it's important to stay up-to-date about new techniques, developments and trends. I'm trying to always have an insight in new areas and technical novelties. I’m very curious and eager to gain new experiences and to adopt new perspectives. My personal interests also help to inspire my work. I love to photograph, travel and get to know other cultures.
For more information you may have a look on my CV.